In an enchanted medina, where time drifts in the warm caress of a desert breeze, Elie Saab unveiled a mesmerizing collection that weaves magic into reality. Drawing inspiration from the allure of Marrakesh, the Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2024 collection unfolds like the petals of a rare desert rose, promising to share a thousand and one secrets with those who listen.

Photography: Greg Finck

Photography: Greg Finck

The collection is a tapestry of eternal wonder, where lavish textures, exquisitely sculpted lines, and the sultry breaths of Marrakesh intertwine. The daybreak embraces the old city in light pastels and streamlined silhouettes, with blush pink chiffon clouds and lilac blue crepe skies, adorned with warm glimmers of crystal rays. 

As the sun wanders through sandstone tulle passages, it illuminates gilded coats woven from intricate metallic knits, silk thread tresses, and ornate engraved porticos. Magnificent archways open onto hidden courtyards, where luscious canopies of feather flowers sway into gradient capes, and dew-kissed florals glitter and glisten across organza.

Photography: Greg Finck

Photography: Greg Finck

The pulse of the city resonates through the lively street as the evening begins its ripple and pleat into shimmering lurex contours. Opulent aromas of amber and sandalwood linger in the air, draping like sensuous satin into sweetheart necklines and an hourglass embrace. 

Photography: Patrick Sawaya

Dazzling constellations of sequin fringe cape sleeves and sinuously beaded mermaid tails trace an ethereal light trail to a veiled oasis. In the hidden heart of the casbah, the mythical desert rose materializes, as glistening golden foliage harmoniously arabesques into a royal bridal train that forever fades into a mirage of whispered time.

Photography: Greg Finck

The collection whispers its secrets, inviting everyone to become part of its enchanted tales. Among the attendees was the iconic Jennifer Lopez, who added an extra layer of allure to the magical evening. Her presence not only highlighted the grandeur of the event but also connected a well-known figure to the enchanting artistry of Elie Saab’s creations.

Photography: Patrick Sawaya

Photography: Patrick Sawaya

Photography: Patrick Sawaya

ELIE SAAB's Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2024 collection is a captivating journey through a world of eternal wonder, where fashion transcends into a realm of enchantment, inviting all to behold its timeless elegance.

Photography: Greg Finck

Photography: Greg Finck